About Us
Everyone Matters Schools Trust is a growing trust of three partner schools and is looking to expand to five or six schools in the next couple of years.
Our vision as a local multi academy trust is to invest in delivering great all-round education for the communities our schools serve.
Our single legal and moral purpose comes from our articles of association: To advance education for public benefit.
We are an educational charity that runs schools to give children a better future and our logo of a tree represents our desire for a sustainable future for everyone within the trust and the community.
The key aims of Everyone Matters Schools Trust are:
- To support all schools to grow to be greater than the sum of its parts by learning and collaborating with one another
- All students to have excellence of care, experiences, and outcomes
Our ethos of ‘Everyone Matters, Everyone Helps and Everyone Succeeds’ applies to everyone in our trust community and it comes from our founding partner, Rainford High.
These have become our guiding principles of how we work and collaborate:
- Everyone Matters: we want all our partners to be happy and successful schools within our trust community.Everyone
- Helps: we work together to make great choices for our schools and our children.
- Everyone Succeeds: we work hard together to invest in our schools, so we are all successful.
We see our building blocks of success as being:
- Ethical leadership – doing the right thing for children, staff and the community.
- Safeguarding is our most important responsibility and underpins everything we do.
- A strong local curriculum model well designed and well delivered.
- A passion for inclusion to make sure all children can succeed in our schools.
- A value driven behaviour model and passion for our young people’s safety and wellbeing.
- A strong CPD offer to support all staff in developing and achieving their maximum.
- An expertise in creating a positive school culture for staff and students.
- A strong business model that supports strong financial management to enable investment into staffing and infrastructure.
We will deliver this across our Trust by:
- Learning and working together.
- Identifying and sharing best practice. The key to improving is to identify and address the things we need to do better and doing them more consistently for the benefit of all.
- Working in genuine and open partnership with the focus being on excellence of education for all.
The Everyone Matters Schools Trust has a team of leaders and specialist leaders of education (SLE) across the curriculum that can support school improvement and development effectively. Rainford High is the lead secondary partner for North West Maths Hub 3 and St Helens’ Teaching Schools Alliance. We also have access to other national leaders of education (NLE), SLEs and a wide range of experienced professionals that allow us to be flexible in our support to ensure rapid improvement.
We are a Trust of collaborative partners who are working to improve the experiences of all our staff, all our parents and all our students as they go on their educational journey.
We are passionate that all children receive a great education and that our role is to help headteachers.